Thursday, January 19, 2006

Ratings disk?

Anyone got their ratings disk yet? When did it arrive? No disk yet here in Northern Virginia, a mere 300 miles from Glen Head.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

'06 schedule considerations

Posting on behalf of Steve Bizek's proposals:
I propose first of all, that we set aside the 25 game months, and return to the balanced 20 game months. In the past, I enjoyed the fact that we had the full compliment of our rosters at our disposal for more games in October. Full rosters seemingly make for more intense manueverability and also gave those who didn't monitor AB's to perfection a bit of a reprieve.

Going a step further...I propose that we adopt a system that may encourage more divisional play towards the end of the season.

Plan Alpha....All teams play interleagues only in March, May and July.....4 opponents faced, each for a 5 game series. (Just like we do now). March an obvious month because we're all together. The months of April, June, August, September and October would become strictly divisional games...but...they month would have only 2 opponents for a 10 game series...(like we did in the not so far past). This would allow managers to only need to deal with two managers for 5 of the 8 months of play...which should streamline CM's...NetPlay snafus and all other ways we correspond to get games played. If one manager is bogged down with work, projects, vacations etc...only two skippers are inconvenienced...not four.

Plan Beta....Same as above...but instead of the 10 game series'...keep them 5 game throughout the year...but hold on to the March, May, July (interdivisional games) and the
April, June, August, September and October (divisional) concept. A little less radical.
--Steve Bizek

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Trading draft picks

Should managers be allowed to trade future draft picks at any time? Your thoughts please.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Braves tix

We’re in for the Dodgers-Braves game on Friday, March 3:

Section 112, Row C (one section to the right of smack behind home plate, third row from the field).

Seven seats intended for Dave, Gary, Andrew, Kenny, Hart, Grid and Garth.

Seating chart here:
