Saturday, May 07, 2005

Welcome to the Clip Joint

I always find it interesting to look back at the history of the I-75 Mail League to see how our forms of communication have changed over the years. Back in the early '80s, we thought we were hot stuff when we played a game by phone, and the cool tool of the day was having a hands-free speaker phone. Newsletters were typewritten and duplicated, often at work in the middle of the night when no one would catch you using the copy machine.

Then came computers that allowed us to input and edit newsletters more efficiently and make them more attractive. No more cutting out the four-color I-75 logo from the previous newsletter. E-mail allowed us to send those newsletters around without stamps.

Then came the Internet, and instant messaging, and NetPlay. And now we almost never talk by phone and you can even draft remotely just about as efficiently as being there.

And now, the next generation of communication: Weblogs. This is mine, The Clip Joint. Weblogs are a form of citizen journalism, an opportunity for individual expression. I'm going to be careful with what I express here because of guidelines I must adhere to where I work. But I'll be sharing interesting nuggets about the performance of the Clips and other things about the league that I find interesting. There will be opportunities for you to chime in and agree with me or disagree. You can ignore me too, I won't be offended. I'm doing this mostly to learn more about blogs and how they operate. I don't know how frequently I'll update it. I'll try to update league standings too when I can, but I have no intention of using this blog to replace the league Web page. So, feel free to pass along comments, and if you're interested in a blog page for your own team, it's pretty easy and I'll help get you started.


At 6:34 PM, May 11, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too an envious.

Your link worked for me and I am in the all-star sweepstakes.

I predict I will win.



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